Restoration Specialists

With many products featured in international publications, we have proven experience in all vehicle construction methods and repair techniques. Our wood framing specialists offer unrivaled craftsmanship, design, fabrication, replacement, and wood refinishing.  We utilize modern laser measuring technology to verify the dimensional integrity of every chassis that we restore thus ensuring both safety and proper function of your motor car. 

We are the areas foremost metal forming facility boasting welding capabilities of Aluminum, Copper, Brass, and Steel. We are experienced with lead solder and incorporate metal finishing techniques that originated from old world craftsmen. 


Collision Repair                                             

Ensign Autobody Inc. has always produced exceptional repairs for our ever increasing client base.  We have kept pace with modern technology to make certain that your modern car repair is invisible well into the future. Our premise has always been " the quality of one affects the quality of the whole".   

Dealing with insurance companies during a collision claim can be a headache.  We have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies, making the process as smooth and easy as possible for our clients.

 We have generations of experience repairing automotive collision damage, utilizing modern technology to insure dimensional and visible accuracy. We incorporate automobile manufacturer repair standards and guidelines in every repair thus restoring the safety, function, and appearance of your damaged automobile.


General Maintenance

Properly maintained motorcars provide exhilarating experiences around every curve in the road. Our general maintenance service ensures proper upkeep of your automobile. From vintage racing to Sunday drives, a properly maintained car will reward you with the greatest of pleasure.

Classic car tires, tune-ups, and basic maintenance are a part of our general maintenance programs, designed to keep your automobile driving smoothly.

In addition to our general maintenance program, we also offer services to maintain your automobile's beautiful appearance. Our appearance enhancement services are sure to perpetuate that eternal glow.

    ·   Buffing
    ·   Waxing
    ·   Paint touch up exact color match and color mapping
    ·   Paintless dent removal